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Two stabbed by far-right extremist at Wi Spa clash over transgender rights

Vishal P. Singh
Two armed far right extremists wield a knife and a baton against pro-LGBT+ activists. (Image by Rocky Romano)

On July 3, Wi Spa (a popular Korean spa in Koreatown) was targeted with a transphobic demonstration by far-right extremists. The far-right chose Wi Spa due to a viral video of a transphobic woman complaining to staff about an alleged altercation with a transgender woman. The video was amplified by major conservative media networks like Fox News.

Counter protesters showed up an hour before the anti-transgender rally to declare support for transgender rights. Once the anti-transgender demonstrators arrived, it was clear things would get violent.

Far-right extremists were seen open brandishing a taser gun, a combat knife, batons, mace, and a baseball bat. The Los Angeles Police Department turned a blind eye as LGBTQ+ supporters were brutally attacked. During the ensuing brawls, there were injuries on both sides. A homophobic preacher assaulted two women and was hit with a skateboard. A member of the press had his skull smashed by a far-right extremist with a baton.

Most concerning: there were two stabbings perpetrated by the same individual. And both stabbings were caught on video.

One of the victims was a leftist counter-protester, who was hospitalized after being stabbed three times, in their left and right leg. The second stabbing was done by the same attacker, but he stabbed someone on his own side, seemingly by mistake.

Far-right supporters falsely claimed online that the female anti-transgender extremist was stabbed by leftists.

But once VPS Reports published exclusive video of the stabbings, it was clear that the far-right had stabbed one of their own.

LAPD was on the scene during the stabbings, but did not arrest the far-right extremist who stabbed both individuals.

There is no reason why a politically-motivated double stabbings by a far-right extremist should go unreported and unanswered. Records from LAPD show that the department was aware of the stabbings and received a police report from the victim who was stabbed in the leg. Despite this, no arrest was ever made.

LAPD and mainstream news need to explain why they are ignoring lethal force used by far-right extremists during the Wi Spa clash over transgender rights.

LAPD email about the Wi Spa stabbing exclusively obtained by VPS Reports.


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