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Neo-Nazi holds “planning meeting” for potential superbowl trucker convoy in L.A.

Vishal P. Singh

The “Freedom Convoy” anti-vaxxer protest in Ottawa, described by law enforcement as a siege, is inspiring similar acts around the world. New Zealand is already dealing with its own convoy situation, and the United States could be next. The Department of Homeland Security just issued a warning about the upcoming Super Bowl in Los Angeles possibly being targeted with truck-related protests about vaccine mandates, but stressed that they could not find any concrete plans for it. LCRW researchers have found evidence of the prospective California truck convoy over the past few months. There are two flyers doing the rounds for right wing demonstrations at the Super Bowl, with one of the flyers explicitly claiming collaboration with some kind of “Freedom Convoy” offshoot for the United States and the other focusing on false allegations of human trafficking increases during the Super Bowl.

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FlyingDay FlyingDay
Oct 15


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